Introducing our redesigned Combo Rack!
The new, sleek design features IPF spec hole spacing, redesigned lever arms and safety arms, built in bench spotter deck and an all round cleaner and more user-friendly design!
Combo Racks are used in powerlifting competitions worldwide. They allow athletes to squat and bench inside the same frame. The Combo Rack features a IPF standard, removeable flat bench, spotter decks and dedicated stations to squat and bench.
The frame is constructed with high-grade steel, and has been tested with over 300kg. The built-in safety arms are adjustable and removeable.
The Combo Rack also comes with adjustable levers, which allow you to change the height of the barbell without having to remove it from the rack. The levers have been tested to hold up to 350kg.
- Competition standard
- Locally designed & produced
- Commercial grade